Mouflon Sheep Hunts | Stone Creek Ranch

Mouflon Sheep Hunts

Mouflon Sheep Hunts

Mouflon has a red-brown short-haired coat with a dark back-stripe, white to light-colored saddle patch, “socks” and underparts. Mature males turn black on the lower neck. White circles around eyes and muzzle. The males have thick, ridged horns; some females are horned while others lack horns. The horns of males are curved in almost one full revolution. Horns of crossbreeds often complete one full curl and reach outward. Compared to other common exotic rams, mouflon have a more “open curl” at full maturity. Male horns typically measure 20 to 29 inches, with up to 37 inches being exceptional. Mouflon sheep have a shoulder height of about 34 inches and a bodyweight of 90 to 120 lbs (males) and 80 lbs (females).

Hunting Mouflon Rams at Stone Creek Ranch is an experience like no other. Our expert guides survey our 300 acres every day, rain or shine, in order to make sure you have the most successful hunt possible. Whether you’re a novice hunter or a seasoned veteran, we’ll make you feel comfortable from start to finish. We’ll make sure this is a hunt you’ll never forget.

All-Inclusive Hunting Packages:

You may hunt using any method you prefer, including Spot and Stalk, Bow Hunting, Rifle Hunting, Pistol Hunting, Safari Style, or from a Blind. Our Packages Include:

3 days / 2 Nights Hunting Package: $1,650 + Trophy Fee
2 days / 1 Night Hunting Package: $950 + Trophy Fee

• Additional Nights of Lodging additional nights $600
• Non-Hunting Guests $450 / night
• Chef prepared meals
• All-Inclusive Beverages
• One-on-one Guide Service*
• Ranch Transportation to and from the field
• Trophy Care (field dressing, caping, quartering of meat, and storage in our onsite refrigerated cooler)
• Transportation for your Trophy to the Ranch’s local Taxidermist and/or to local meat processor. (Hunter makes all other arrangements with Taxidermist and meat processor.)
• Game Room, Trophy Bass and Crappie Fishing and other activities as time allows.

*Hunters are encouraged to tip the guides 10-15%. Bowhunters are encouraged to tip guides 20%.

Call us at (254) 317-0468 to learn more about our individual and corporate Mouflon Sheep hunts.

More About the Mouflon Sheep:

Hide in the thick brush when disturbed. Usually graze in the open, lie on slopes to sun themselves, and seek shade when temperatures rise. Aggressive among one another. Males and females live in separate groups and only come together during mating season. Mouflon mate, or go through a rut, in late autumn to early winter. The rams’ dominance is determined by his age and the size of his horns. They will crash their horns together to re-enforce dominance.

Food Habits:
Grazers, but will consume large amounts of browse when within reach and if grass becomes scarce. Will eat fallen leaves. Utilize forbs readily. It has a multi-chambered stomach with special microbes that break down the cellulose of the plant cell walls. After it has eaten its fill, the mouflon will lie down and regurgitate its food, chewing it a second time to soften it some more. It then swallows it again for the last time. The ewes will usually have better foraging grounds because their health is more important for reproduction. The high browse line left by taller animals can sometimes limit the availability of forage in Texas.

Have a rut that generally lasts 6 to 10 weeks, beginning in October or November. Births take place in the spring (March to April). Females have a 5 month gestation period that results in a single birth except in hybrids, which commonly give birth to twins. Both males and females reach sexual maturity at 6 to 18 months.

Life Span:
The average life expectancy in the wild is 13 years, but up to 20 years.

Trophy Fees:

  • Trophy Ram - $5,500
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