Corsican Ram Hunts | Stone Creek Ranch

Corsican Ram Hunts

Corsican Ram Hunts

Corsican (a variant of Brown Sheep) Horns in males only circle and turn outward at tips. Lengths of 14 inches and up, typically 28 to 35 inches in adults. The males’ horns can weigh up to 30 lbs and can actually outweigh the rest of the bones in their bodies, combined. Females, called ewes, also have horns that are smaller. Corsican males typically weigh between 130 and 160 lbs; females 80 to 100 lbs.

Hunting Corsican Rams at Stone Creek Ranch is an experience like no other. Our expert guides survey our 300 acres every day, rain or shine, in order to make sure you have the most successful hunt possible. Whether you’re a novice hunter or a seasoned veteran, we’ll make you feel comfortable from start to finish. This is a hunt you’ll never forget.

All-Inclusive Hunting Packages:

You may hunt using any method you prefer, including Spot and Stalk, Bow Hunting, Rifle Hunting, Pistol Hunting, Safari Style, or from a Blind. Our Packages Include:

3 days / 2 Nights Hunting Package: $1,650 + Trophy Fee
2 days / 1 Night Hunting Package: $950 + Trophy Fee

• Additional Nights of Lodging additional nights $600
• Non-Hunting Guests $450 / night
• Chef prepared meals
• All-Inclusive Beverages
• One-on-one Guide Service*
• Ranch Transportation to and from the field
• Trophy Care (field dressing, caping, quartering of meat, and storage in our onsite refrigerated cooler)
• Transportation for your Trophy to the Ranch’s local Taxidermist and/or to local meat processor. (Hunter makes all other arrangements with Taxidermist and meat processor.)
• Game Room, Trophy Bass and Crappie Fishing and other activities as time allows.

*Hunters are encouraged to tip the guides 10-15%. Bowhunters are encouraged to tip guides 20%.

Call us at (254) 317-0468 to learn more about our individual and corporate Corsican Sheep hunts.

More About the Corsican Sheep:

When mature, fight to determine dominance and hierarchy. Males are very aggressive among one another. Rams butt heads vigorously. Form tight flock when disturbed and then flee as a group. Most active in the early and late hours of the day. Seek shelter amongst trees, in the brush, and inside ravines during harsh weather conditions. Sun themselves on exposed slopes when cold and sunny, but not windy. Seek out hilltops to catch a breeze when hot. During warm weather, drink daily. Can go two to three days without water if conditions are optimal.

Food Habits
Corsican Rams are grazers, eating quantities of grasses and forbs. They will also take some leaves when they can reach them or when they find them on the ground.

Breeding season occurs mainly from August to September with most births in January to March. Females have a gestation period of five months, giving birth to one to two young. Twin births are common. Males mature at 1.5 years of age while females reach maturity as early as seven months.

Trophy Fees:

  • Under 38” - $4,600
  • 38” + - $5,600
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